General Information
BAPTISMS: Baptisms will always be performed during a regular worship service. At least one parent must be a member of this church. Please call the pastor well in advance.
BILLS TO SUBMIT: Please submit to Church Treasurer Ray Woody.
BUILDING USE: Persons or organizations interested in using our facilities for gatherings should contact Ray Cook (973-697-8018).
CANCELLED CHURCH SERVICE: If weather conditions or other reasons result in the cancellation of a church service, a message will be placed on the church office answering machine. If possible the message will also be placed on the home page of this web site.
CEMETERY (questions & plot purchase): Phone the Church office at 973-697-7775 for additional information.
EMERGENCIES (death, serious illness, etc): Phone the Church office at 973-697-7775 and provide information.
FUNERALS (Minister desired): Phone the pastor before making arrangements at earliest possible moment.
MEMBERS & FRIENDS OF THE CHURCH MOVING AWAY: Please inform the pastor, who can tell you about churches at your new address. Also, please provide your new address to the church office.
MEMBERSHIP CONTACT: New members are always welcome and may contact the pastor about uniting with our church.
PLEDGE PAYMENT QUESTIONS: Contact Financial Administrators Martha Cook or Georgia Stephens via orpc@optimum.net
PROBLEMS (family, work, etc): It is recommended discussing this with or referring to the pastor. If he cannot help you, he can direct you to help.
PUBLICITY: Information about group & organization activities may be published in our newsletter, “Pres-notes.” Written copy must be submitted to the church office by the 15th of the month and any preparation work for our Administrative Assistant needs to be in the office at least one week before it’s needed. This information can also be posted on the ORPC Facebook page by emailing orpc@optimum.net.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN: Our Sunday School program is for children ages 3 and up, and runs from September to June downstairs in the Parish House from 9:30am to 10:15am. There are NO Sunday School classes on the last Sunday of each month. Contact Laura Woody via orpc@optimum.net for more information.
WEDDINGS: Phone for required counseling appointment several months in advance, and before the date is set.